pyfora_aws: Run pyfora on AWS

pyfora_aws is a command-line tool that makes it easy to launch and manage pyfora compute clusters on AWS. It is installed as part of the pyfora package.


All instances in a cluster run in the same EC2 region, VPC and subnet (if using VPC), and security group. If you need to run more than one cluster in a region, use different VPCs, subnets, or security groups.


Launches one or more backend instances.

Usage: pyfora_aws start [OPTIONS]

Optional arguments:
-h, --help                  show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-all               Do not prompt user input. Answer "yes" to all prompts.

--ec2-region EC2_REGION
                            The EC2 region in which instances are launched. Can
                            also be set using the PYFORA_AWS_EC2_REGION
                            environment variable. Default: us-east-1

--vpc-id VPC_ID
                            The id of the VPC into which instances are launched.
                            EC2 Classic is used if this argument is omitted.

--subnet-id SUBNET_ID
                            The id of the VPC subnet into which instances are launched.
                            This argument must be specified if --vpc-id is used
                            and is ignored otherwise.

--security-group-id SECURITY_GROUP_ID
                            The id of the EC2 security group into which instances are launched.
                            If omitted, a security group called "pyfora ssh" (or "pyfora open"
                            if --open-public-port is specified) is created. If a security group
                            with that name already exists, it is used as-is.

                            The number of instances to launch. Default: 1

--ssh-keyname SSH_KEYNAME
                            The name of the EC2 key-pair to use when launching instances.
                            Can also be set using the PYFORA_AWS_SSH_KEYNAME environment variable.

--spot-price SPOT_PRICE
                            Launch spot instances with specified max bid price.
                            On-demand instances are launch if this argument is omitted.

--instance-type INSTANCE_TYPE
                            The EC2 instance type to launch.
                            Default: c3.8xlarge

                            If specified, HTTP access to the manager machine will
                            be open from anywhere ( Use with care!
                            Anyone will be able to connect to your cluster. As an
                            alternative, considering tunneling pyfora's HTTP port
                            (30000) over SSH using the -L argument to the `ssh` command.

--commit COMMIT
                            Run the backend services from a specified commit in the ufora/ufora
                            GitHub repository.


$ pyfora_aws start --vpc-id vpc-0c73f14e --subnet-id subnet-7214f1a0 --ssh-keyname my_key -n 3

This will launch a cluster of three c3.8xlarge instances into the specified VPC and subnet in the default us-east-1 region, and use the EC2 ssh key-pair called my_key.

$ pyfora_aws start --instance-type g2.2xlarge --spot-price 0.3 --open-public-port

This will launch a single g2.2xlarge spot instance with a maximum bid price of $0.3 and open inbound traffic on port 30000.


Adds one or more workers to a running cluster.

Usage: pyfora_aws add [OPTIONS]

optional arguments:
-h, --help                  show this help message and exit

--ec2-region EC2_REGION
                            The EC2 region in which instances are launched. Can
                            also be set using the PYFORA_AWS_EC2_REGION
                            environment variable. Default: us-east-1

--vpc-id VPC_ID             The id of the VPC into which instances are launched.
                            EC2 Classic is used if this argument is omitted.

--subnet-id SUBNET_ID
                            The id of the VPC subnet into which instances are
                            launched. This argument must be specified if --vpc-id
                            is used and is ignored otherwise.

--security-group-id SECURITY_GROUP_ID
                            The id of the EC2 security group into which instances
                            are launched.

                            The number of instances to launch. Default: 1

--spot-price SPOT_PRICE
                            Launch spot instances with specified max bid price.
                            On-demand instances are launch if this argument is


Instance type is selected automatically based on the type of instances already running. It is not possible to mix different types of instances in the same cluster.


$ pyfora_aws add -n 3 --ec2-region us-west-2 --security-group-id sg-2f28a1c0

This adds three instances to an existing cluster running in the us-west-2 region with security group sg-2f28a1c0.


Print a list of running backend instances.

usage: pyfora_aws list [OPTIONS]

optional arguments:
-h, --help                  show this help message and exit

--ec2-region EC2_REGION
                            The EC2 region in which instances are launched. Can
                            also be set using the PYFORA_AWS_EC2_REGION
                            environment variable. Default: us-east-1

--vpc-id VPC_ID             The id of the VPC into which instances are launched.
                            EC2 Classic is used if this argument is omitted.

--subnet-id SUBNET_ID
                            The id of the VPC subnet into which instances are
                            launched. This argument must be specified if --vpc-id
                            is used and is ignored otherwise.

--security-group-id SECURITY_GROUP_ID
                            The id of the EC2 security group into which instances
                            are launched. If omitted, a security group called
                            "pyfora ssh" (or "pyfora open" if --open-public-port
                            is specified) is created. If a security group with
                            that name already exists, it is used as-is.


 $ pyfora_aws list --ec2-region us-west-1
 3 instances:
     i-dc7acd1f | | running | worker
     i-387ccbfb | | running | worker
     i-ba7bcc79 | | running | worker


Stops all backend instances in the specified region, VPC and subnet, and security-group.

Usage: pyfora_aws stop [OPTIONS]

optional arguments:
-h, --help                  show this help message and exit

--ec2-region EC2_REGION
                            The EC2 region in which instances are launched. Can
                            also be set using the PYFORA_AWS_EC2_REGION
                            environment variable. Default: us-east-1

--vpc-id VPC_ID             The id of the VPC into which instances are launched.
                            EC2 Classic is used if this argument is omitted.

--subnet-id SUBNET_ID
                            The id of the VPC subnet into which instances are
                            launched. This argument must be specified if --vpc-id
                            is used and is ignored otherwise.

--security-group-id SECURITY_GROUP_ID
                            The id of the EC2 security group into which instances
                            are launched. If omitted, a security group called
                            "pyfora ssh" (or "pyfora open" if --open-public-port
                            is specified) is created. If a security group with
                            that name already exists, it is used as-is.

--terminate                 Terminate running instances. Otherwise, they are just stopped.


 $ pyfora_aws stop --ec2-region us-west-1 --terminate
 Terminating 3 instances:
     i-dc7acd1f | | running | worker
     i-387ccbfb | | running | worker
     i-ba7bcc79 | | running | worker


Deploys a build to all running instances.


This command is typically only used during development of backend services. It is rarely used in normal operations.

Usage: pyfora_aws deploy -i IDENTITY_FILE -p PACKAGE [OPTIONS]

optional arguments:
-h, --help                  show this help message and exit

                            The file from which the private SSH key is read.

-p PACKAGE, --package PACKAGE
                            Path to the backend package to deploy.

--ec2-region EC2_REGION
                            The EC2 region in which instances are launched. Can
                            also be set using the PYFORA_AWS_EC2_REGION
                            environment variable. Default: us-east-1

--vpc-id VPC_ID             The id of the VPC into which instances are launched.
                            EC2 Classic is used if this argument is omitted.

--subnet-id SUBNET_ID
                            The id of the VPC subnet into which instances are
                            launched. This argument must be specified if --vpc-id
                            is used and is ignored otherwise.

--security-group-id SECURITY_GROUP_ID
                            The id of the EC2 security group into which instances
                            are launched. If omitted, a security group called
                            "pyfora ssh" (or "pyfora open" if --open-public-port
                            is specified) is created. If a security group with
                            that name already exists, it is used as-is.